Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Puppy Love

so we have this new puppy - Sadie - couldn't help it when we went to the pound just to "look" and next thing you know i'm up at 2:30 am taking her outside to pee. the whining was incessant. i believe that puppies are so damn cute it makes up for the whining and the messes on the floor when we aren't paying attention. somewhat like babies. at least with babies you have a few months to prepare.

we went from the pound directly to the feed store for a crate, a feeding bowl, two dog toys, and a leash. we cleaned up her barf on aisle 5. and took her home. $150 later. she is pretty damn cute.

i tried really hard not to get mad at Sadie last night. i'm sure she's missing her sister (we almost took her home too) and i know she has some abandonment issues from being left in the box in a park in downtown Kalispell... that's gotta be hard on her little pup psyche. but why take it out on us, her saviors, the ones to give her food and love and cuddles? how ungrateful. but, oh, now she's lying on my feet as i write this - curled up in a ball, fast asleep. she is pretty damn cute.

i'm thinking that in God's eyes we must look like a bunch of puppies... we just have to. He wanders into earth, and just can't help Himself... He supplies us with all the stuff we need, He feeds us, He understands our abandonment issues, so He puts up with our messes and our ungratefulness and deeply sighs when we curl up in a ball on His huge heavenly feet.

it's a good thing we're pretty damn cute.


g said...

puppies are almost the cutest thing in the world. i prefer kitties, myself. box trained and such! and they purrrrrrr

GymFuzz said...

I've often wondered why God would even care about us -- we're so very, very small ...